A Lee Edwards

album shoot

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I had a blast working in the studio with longtime North Carolina singer-songwriter Alan, aka A. Lee Edwards, to create the images for his new record, 'Interpreting Heart Sounds.'  Alan came into the studio with a handful of crisp looks, and I knew right away that we'd get some amazing shots that captured both his personality and style as well as his vision for the new record.

When I consult with musicians before a shoot, I always emphasize the importance of presenting a well-composed style. Alan nailed it with a look that was not only true to his personality but also creates an intriguing visual character for the viewer/listener to connect with. The more compelling you are as a performer, the more convincing - and successful - you will become.

Since we captured these pics, Alan has done a fantastic job using numerous images we produced together in the studio to brand his upcoming album, keeping the images fresh, yet consistently recognizable across his social media platforms, publications, and promotional material.

Check out Alan's tunes, tour dates, and more at aleeedwards.com

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I'm an Asheville based photographer and webs designer with over twenty years of experience creating imagery for hundreds of clients in Western North Carolina and beyond. My studio photography specializes in headshots for business and corporations, law firms, artists, entrepreneurs, models, and actors, as well as stylized theme portrait sessions for personal branding, maternity, local and regional musicians. Photo services are available throughout the south, including Raleigh, Charlotte, Winston Salem, Greenville, Columbia, Spartanburg, Knoxville, and Johnson City. Photo sessions are fun and easy, and consultations are always free, so drop me a line and let's plan something amazing together!