In the early 2000's I was lucky to live in a town with two amazing music venues; the Grey Eagle Music Hall, where I bartended and captured portraits of the performers who played each night, and the larger venue just up the hill, The Orange Peel, where I had the privilege of cutting my teeth in live music photography and shooting some of the top touring acts of the day. Over the years things changed around Asheville, and these days you can catch live music practically every night of the week in dozens of venues spread across the city. But back then it was a case of being in the right place at the right time. Big, big thanks to the great crew running the Orange Peel, both for their continued hospitality to me and hosting such great shows, year after year. I eventually turned my focus on photographing portraits of musicians and bands and stopped shooting live shows for a variety of reasons (which you can read about here), but the shots below are memories from a great time, and still some of my favorite work.